Since its foundation in 1992, the Hong Kong College of Cardiology has been dedicated to promoting the highest standard of cardiovascular patient care and heart health for the people of Hong Kong. Over the past thirty years, our past Presidents and Council Members have invested their time, effort, and expertise in shaping our College. Thanks to their invaluable contributions and achievements, our College has evolved into an esteemed organisation, consisting of more than five hundred Fellows and Members. It is a great honor and privilege for me to serve our College and to build upon its foundation.
Despite the significant impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in recent years, our College has not
only upheld its core mission but also expanded its scale. We have successfully organized a
growing number of scientific events to meet the increasing number demand for knowledge of
skills. In addition, we have established a rising number of subspecialty Chapters to stay at the
forefront of rapid advancements in the field. While we strive to provide a wide range of
opportunities for our Fellows and Members, we also place great importance on maintaining the
highest standards and ensuring the quality of these events to maximize the benefits for our
Our College remains committed to fostering strong collaborations with international cardiac
societies and local organizations, as demonstrated by the exceptional joint sessions at our
Annual Scientific Congress and the recent APHRS Scientific Session. With the subsiding of the
pandemic, we have resumed supporting our Fellows and Members in attending overseas
scientific conferences. We have resumed participation in scientific meetings in mainland China
since travel restrictions were lifted. In June 2023, our College invited a group of Fellows to
attend the South China International Congress of Cardiology in Guangzhou to strengthen
relationships and promote scientific exchange.
We place special attention on supporting and guiding our trainees and young Fellows. Our
College will continue to organize educational courses for them, including the Core Cardiology
Courses, PCI Fellowship Courses, and other scientific seminars tailored for their development.
We also encourage their active participation and provide opportunities for them to present their
work. In terms of professional training, our College has been dedicated to supporting cardiology
trainees in pursuing advanced training in cardiovascular medicine at renowned overseas
centers through the Hong Kong Heart Foundation Cardiology Training Fellowship Programme
and Dr. C O PUN and Dr. Mary B L KWONG Scholarship.
We are committed to enhancing our college journal, the Journal of the Hong Kong College of
Cardiology, with the aim of making it an indexed journal in the near future. To encourage the
submissions of high-quality work, we have revamped the submission system and established a
strong editorial board consisting of international and local cardiovascular researchers. It is
undoubtedly a challenging task and your support plays an vital role in our success.
Apart from professional education, public heart health promotion is another vital mission of our College. We have a wide range of activities and initiatives designed to raise awareness and educate the public about heart health. One of our annual highlights is the World Heart Day Carnival cum Run for Heart, which will be held at Hong Kong Science Park on 23 October 2023. This event is expected to attract thousands of participants. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, we are determined to continue our Jump Rope For Heart Program, which encourages students to engage in rope-skipping exercises. Furthermore, we have been collaborating with the Department of Health to launch several programs aimed at enhancing public awareness of heart-healthy diets. These programs include the “Joyful Fruit Month”; and “EatSmart @School.hk Campaign”, which have achieved significant successes. Our College is also proud to support the Rotary Club in its Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) / Automatic External Defibrillation (AED) Education Project to promote public awareness of CPR and the use of AED. Last but not least, we are committed to expanding our heart health channel to disseminate accurate and authoritative cardiovascular health information to the public, empowering our community to make heart-healthy choices and adopt a heart-healthy lifestyle.
We deeply appreciate the dedication and active participation of our members, as well as the
support and contributions of leading practitioners and academics both locally and abroad.
Our Council Members are filled with enthusiasm for the opportunities and challenges that lie
ahead. We are committed to striving for excellence and fulfilling our responsibilities. With your
support and collective efforts, I am confident that we will further strengthen the impact of the
Hong Kong College of Cardiology on the development of cardiovascular medicine in Hong Kong
and beyond, ultimately making a lasting impact on the lives of our patients.
Dr. LEUNG Tat Chi, Godwin
14 September 2023